Sickness and My Dad’s Response.

When I was in 100 level, 2nd semester, I fell ill. It was a day to exam.

The thing is, I had been having a serious chest pain about 2 weeks before then but I just told myself that I had to hold up till after exams. Though, I think I got treated for malaria at the school’s clinic.

So, I was reading for exams and just trying to reduce some activities.

A day or two days to exams, I passed out and was taken to the school’s clinic. They thought it was something they could manage at first, so they tried, however, they eventually had to call my parents to take me home.

Before and after that day, I have never felt that much pain. It was a sharp pain at my chest like I was being continuously stabbed with a knife. Plus, I was really weak! I could barely move on the bed, I couldn’t speak. All I did was cry.

The room I was in was filled with people, my friends, so many students from the fellowship. They were all there praying for me, holding my hands and telling me I’ll be fine. It was one of the reasons I was crying sef. I kept on asking myself ‘how come I have so many people around me at a time like this? I’m just in 100 level!’

My parents got to school quite late because they had to travel from Lagos to Ogun State where my school is. My dad carried me to the car and then the journey back home started.

This is where I am going; from the beginning of the journey till the end, my daddy was singing one song

Everywhere He went, He was doing good.

The Mighty Healer, He healed the leper.

When the cripple saw Him, they started walking.

Everywhere He went, my Lord was doing good.

My dad sang this song from Ogun State to Lagos State, over and over. It was all I heard, even in my sleep.

He was bothered. Yes. But He didn’t continually lament. He didn’t speak negative words over me, even though the situation was negative. He sang the scriptures over me as He drove to the hospital.

Today, I heard that song and it took me back to that year. I remembered every detail. It’s funny how certain things make us remember things that happened in the past.

How do you react to unfavourable circumstances?

We really need to get to the point where our words/attitudes are not determined by our situations.

This is me talking to myself. Lol. I panic a lot!

We must learn to face situations with God’s words.

Even when we are not sure of how things will turn out, we should be sure of God’s word.

One of my friends, Abísóyè once said that if you must murmur, murmur the word of God.

By the way, this happened about three years ago. I’m in my final semester now. 😊😊

10 thoughts on “Sickness and My Dad’s Response.

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  1. Hmmmmm
    Very true sis, tackle the problems with the word of God instead of lamenting. May God help us all🙏🏽. Well done Tai Tai😘👏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kia!!! i could remember vividly when it all happened I was so scared .Our God is a faithful God , I am grateful to God for your life .powerful lessons to learn from .Our solutions to every of our problems is in the word of God .Even the Bible said ‘In the beginning was the word , and the word was with God and the word was God .true ,we need to tackle our problems with the word of God instead of adding to the problem .Thank you tai tai 😘

    Liked by 1 person

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